In the present terms of use, the male form has been used for the sake of readability; it naturally applies to all genders.
A General remarks
Art. 1 Tasks and services provided by the Library
(1) The Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library, founded in 1982, bears the name of the scholar and politician Dr. Friedrich Teßmann. According to Art. 1, section 3 of the provincial law No. 5 it has the task to collect, index and make available books, publications and documentary material to give the citizen the opportunity to delve into science, art and literature and learn more about the rich variety of the local culture and that of other regions.
(2) The Library accomplishes its tasks, particularly by providing the following services:
A) providing the media stock, workstations and technical equipment in the Library premises
B) lending the media stock so it can be used outside the Library
C) supplying works that are not available in the Library from other libraries
D) providing information services, especially bibliographical information, visits to the Library, seminars, expositions and events
Art. 2 Admission
(1) The following categories are entitled to use the Library:
A) all persons
B) the departments of the Provincial Government
(2) The following categories are entitled to borrow from the Library:
A) persons residing in Italy who have completed their 13th year of life
B) persons residing abroad who can provide an attestation of residence
C) Italian and foreign libraries in the context of the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system
D) departments of the Provincial Government
E) institutions, associations, societies and companies
F) in all other cases the director or his representative can issue a permit
(3) Those who are entitled to use the Library receive a library card. The card remains in possession of the Library and is normally not transferable. In order to be issued the card, the user has the duty to disclose all data required by the Library to assert its claims and furthermore to proof these data with a valid photo ID. The photocopy of the ID card will be retained in the Library together with the registration form. Changes of the contact details or the loss of the library card must immediately be reported to the Library. If the library card is lost, the user is liable for possible damages caused to the Library by the misuse on the part of third parties even if the fault is not attributable to the user. After the loss has been reported, a substitute card will be issued. The so arising costs are established in the Fees Regulation of the Library.
(4) By signing the registration form to be issued a library card, the submitter accepts the Library Regulations of the Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library.
(5) The Library is allowed to collect and process personal data as far as it is necessary for the legitimate performance of its tasks. These data will be handled according to the data protection rule in force. The user gives his written consent.
(6)Except for the cases listed in the Fees Regulation no fees will be charged for the use of the Library.
Art. 3 Opening hours
(1) The opening hours are announced on the Library's homepage and posted in the Library.
(2) The Library can be closed temporarily if there are good reasons. Such a temporary closure will be announced on time on the Library's homepage and it will be posted in the Library.
Art. 4 General duties of the user
(1) The users must handle works entrusted to them and the Library's furniture carefully and avoid damage. Removing pages and inserts, marking, annotating and folding is not allowed.
(2) The users must fully replace lost or damaged works or the furniture and equipment of the Library even if there is no fault of one's own. The Library determines the way and amount of compensation.
(3) The Library can limit the use of especially valuable holdings and allow inspection only a specifically scientific or professional purpose can be proved. In this case the director's or his representative's permission is necessary.
Art. 5 Controls, security and order
(1) The Library personnel have the right to take steps to maintain security and order in the Library. They have the right to give the users instructions. The instructions of the personnel have to be followed.
(2) For the security of the collection, the Library has the right to install control systems and to make checks on the users. On demand, the users must show their library card to the Library personnel or accept to let them check their bags, rucksacks and folders.
(3) If the control measures and the personnel's instructions are opposed and admonitions by the director are not regarded the director can issue a temporary suspension of using privileges.
(4) In grave cases, for example when objects have been damaged willingly the Administrative Council can issue an unlimited suspension of borrowing and using privileges.
B Use in the Library premises
Art. 6 Conduct in the Library premises and the coatroom
(1) In the Library premises any conduct disrupting its use or disturbing other users must be avoided.
(2) It is forbidden to take objects to the Library that can be a danger for other persons, for the furniture and equipment or the collection or objects that can hinder the Library's well functioning. It is forbidden to bring animals to the Library premises.
(3) Coats and other similar pieces of clothing, bags, rucksacks, umbrellas and other big objects cannot be taken to the reading room. They have to be stored in the lockers. The lockers are to be used exclusively during the opening hours of the Library. If a locker key gets lost or if the locker must be opened and cleared by the Library, the user has to defray the costs for changing the lock.
(4) It is forbidden to use mobile phones, to smoke and to eat or drink in the reading room and in the reading court.
Art. 7 Use of the workstations
(1) Generally, the reading places and IT workstations are at the disposal of all Library users equally. It is not allowed to the users to reserve working places. The Library can however reserve working places for internal events if necessary.
(2) The working places must be cleared daily after having them used.
(3) The Library allows the use of laptops or other equipment if it does not disturb the other users.
(4) Furthermore, the users have at their disposal IT workstations and internet access points in a limited number. Some of these are connected with peripheral devices like scanners or printers. In principle it is not allowed to make changes in the configuration of the IT workstations or the network, to fix technical failures on your own or to install programs, brought on a portable data storage device or taken from the internet, on the IT workstations.
(5) The users commit themselves to respect the legal regulations of the Penal law and the Youth protection law and to neither use nor diffuse unlawful information at the IT workstations and to not manipulate any data or programs of the Library or third parties.
(6) The users have the opportunity to access the internet at the IT workstations equipped for this purpose or via W-LAN at their own laptop. In the latter case, users will be charged a fee established in the Fees Regulation. According to the current legal situation the Library has the duty to store the users' internet activity and if necessary give the investigative authorities access to it. By registering, the user declares his consent. Minors can use the internet only with a parent's written permit and if the parent takes over responsibility.
Art. 8 Support and information services
(1) The users can dispose of the Library's support and information services and information material especially catalogues, bibliographies, books of reference, databases and online services including the equipment necessary for this purpose.
(2) The Library supports the user, as far as possible, when searching information and doing bibliographical searches.
Art. 9 Additional services
(1) The users can deploy the photocopying machines and printers at their disposal or their own digital cameras to produce photocopies for study and research purposes. In this case, legal copyright provisions are to be respected. The users have to defray the costs for their photocopies. The costs are listed in the Fees Regulation.
(2) Reproductions of older or valuable books or books that need to be preserved can only be made by the Library personnel or with its permission. In these cases the Library decides on the way of reproduction (photocopy, reproduction, microform etc.) and reserves the right to limit or deny it.
(3) For reproductions for commercial purposes (e.g. Reprints, Facsimile reproductions, postcards) or reproductions on big scale a special agreement, stating the consideration, is necessary. This also applies for the borrowing of works for expositions or their use for TV and film recordings.
(4) Outreach work in any form is part of the Library's additional services. For visits to the Library, expositions and other events the regulations defined by the Library are valid.
(5) In the vestibule at the Library's entry the users have at their disposal two beverage vending machines offering hot and cold drinks and sweet and salty snacks.
C Use outside the Library premises
Art. 10 General borrowing regulations
(1) The Library's media can be borrowed to be used outside the Library. An exception to this rule are:
A) works that absolutely must be available in the Library premises so that the Library can facilitate research activities and grant the Library's functioning and administration. These are especially bibliographical works or other reference books
B) newspapers and magazines
C) works published before 1910
D) other valuable or not easily replaceable works
E) other works that need special protection, e.g. loose-leaf editions
F) works that are part of the Teßmann collection belonging to the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna are subject to the regulations of the deposit contract of 27 July 1983.
(2) It is not allowed to borrow in somebody else's name or to pass on borrowed works. The library card owner is liable for the abusive use of his library card.
(3) The normal borrowing limit is 20 volumes.
(4) Each item the user wants to borrow must be issued at the circulation desk. If the user receives a damaged item, he has to point the fact out to the personnel so that when returning it he can prove he did not cause the damage.
Art. 11 Loan periods and reservations
(1) For monographs the loan period is normally one month.
(2) The loan period can be extended two times at maximum for one month each time if the item has not been reserved by another user. The loan period must be extended on time, before it expires, by the user in his online User account or with the aid of the Library personnel.
(3) All users who have communicated their e-mail address receive a message reminding them of their due items before they expire. No liability is granted for the transmission of the e-mail.
(4) The Library has the right to establish shorter loan periods in single cases if this is necessary for teaching and research activities or the functioning of the Library. For the same reasons, items on loan can also be asked back before the loan period expires.
(5) Items on loan can be reserved for borrowing. The user will be informed as soon as the concerned item is available.
(6) In justified cases, the director can make exceptions to Art. 10 and Art. 11 but not in connection with the Teßmann collection belonging to the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Art. 12 Returning Library materials
(1) The regulations concerning the reservation of works on loan are valid for works owned by the Library and for works borrowed via Inter-Library Loan.
(2) Borrowed items have to be returned spontaneously at the latest the day the loan period expires.
(3) If the user does not return the borrowed items the Library sends out a written overdue notice asking the return of the concerned items and stating the overdue fee. If the reminder is ignored the Library will send out further notices. The Library has the right but not the duty to remind the user in writing to return due items.
(4) The periods of time after which an overdue notice or reminder is sent out, the amount of the overdue fees and the following temporary suspension of borrowing privileges are stated in the Library's Fees Regulation. Overdue fees are due starting from the first day after the due day.
(5) If items are not returned on time the director can issue a temporary suspension of borrowing privileges. In serious cases the Administrative Council can issue an unlimited suspension of borrowing privileges.
(6) The legal relationship underlying the act of borrowing is a loan deal on which – without prejudice to the provisions of these Library Regulations – the provisions of the Italian Civil Code (Codice civile) are to be applied. To enforce its right to get back items given on loan or to recover the due debts the Library can take civil action.
Art. 13 Inter-Library Loan
(1) Works that are available neither in the Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library nor in other public libraries in Bozen can be requested via Inter-Library Loan. For the procurement the Library makes use of the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system if there are conventions in place. The general basis for the Inter-Library Loan system are the principles and directives recommended by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). For national Inter-Library Loans the provisions of the Presidential Decree No. 1501 of 5 September 1967 apply. The arising charges are to be taken from the Fees Regulation.
(2) As a basic principle, only scientific works for study and research purposes are requested via Inter-Library Loan. Fiction, except for scientific purposes, is excluded.
(3) Essays, short printed works or compositions, newspaper articles and limited parts of books will be photocopied if permitted.
(4) The Library has the right to borrow works from its own stock to foreign libraries via the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system.
D Final provisions
Art. 14 Exclusion of liability
(1) The Library is not liable for the consequences of contraventions of the copyright law by users working at the IT workstations or for the consequences of contraventions of contractual duties between users and internet providers.
(2) The Library is not liable for damages caused to a user through erroneous contents in the media he consulted, for damages caused to a user through using the IT workstations and the media, files or data storage devices offered at the workstations or for damages caused to the user by the misuse of data by third parties occurring due to insufficient data protection in the internet.
Art. 15 Disclaimer of warranty
(1) The Library excludes warranties concerning the functionality of the hard and software it puts at disposal and the availability of information and media accessible at the workstations.
Art. 16 Entry into force
(1) These Library Regulations enter into force on 1 January 2010.
A General remarks
Art. 1 Tasks and services provided by the Library
(1) The Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library, founded in 1982, bears the name of the scholar and politician Dr. Friedrich Teßmann. According to Art. 1, section 3 of the provincial law No. 5 it has the task to collect, index and make available books, publications and documentary material to give the citizen the opportunity to delve into science, art and literature and learn more about the rich variety of the local culture and that of other regions.
(2) The Library accomplishes its tasks, particularly by providing the following services:
A) providing the media stock, workstations and technical equipment in the Library premises
B) lending the media stock so it can be used outside the Library
C) supplying works that are not available in the Library from other libraries
D) providing information services, especially bibliographical information, visits to the Library, seminars, expositions and events
Art. 2 Admission
(1) The following categories are entitled to use the Library:
A) all persons
B) the departments of the Provincial Government
(2) The following categories are entitled to borrow from the Library:
A) persons residing in Italy who have completed their 13th year of life
B) persons residing abroad who can provide an attestation of residence
C) Italian and foreign libraries in the context of the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system
D) departments of the Provincial Government
E) institutions, associations, societies and companies
F) in all other cases the director or his representative can issue a permit
(3) Those who are entitled to use the Library receive a library card. The card remains in possession of the Library and is normally not transferable. In order to be issued the card, the user has the duty to disclose all data required by the Library to assert its claims and furthermore to proof these data with a valid photo ID. The photocopy of the ID card will be retained in the Library together with the registration form. Changes of the contact details or the loss of the library card must immediately be reported to the Library. If the library card is lost, the user is liable for possible damages caused to the Library by the misuse on the part of third parties even if the fault is not attributable to the user. After the loss has been reported, a substitute card will be issued. The so arising costs are established in the Fees Regulation of the Library.
(4) By signing the registration form to be issued a library card, the submitter accepts the Library Regulations of the Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library.
(5) The Library is allowed to collect and process personal data as far as it is necessary for the legitimate performance of its tasks. These data will be handled according to the data protection rule in force. The user gives his written consent.
(6)Except for the cases listed in the Fees Regulation no fees will be charged for the use of the Library.
Art. 3 Opening hours
(1) The opening hours are announced on the Library's homepage and posted in the Library.
(2) The Library can be closed temporarily if there are good reasons. Such a temporary closure will be announced on time on the Library's homepage and it will be posted in the Library.
Art. 4 General duties of the user
(1) The users must handle works entrusted to them and the Library's furniture carefully and avoid damage. Removing pages and inserts, marking, annotating and folding is not allowed.
(2) The users must fully replace lost or damaged works or the furniture and equipment of the Library even if there is no fault of one's own. The Library determines the way and amount of compensation.
(3) The Library can limit the use of especially valuable holdings and allow inspection only a specifically scientific or professional purpose can be proved. In this case the director's or his representative's permission is necessary.
Art. 5 Controls, security and order
(1) The Library personnel have the right to take steps to maintain security and order in the Library. They have the right to give the users instructions. The instructions of the personnel have to be followed.
(2) For the security of the collection, the Library has the right to install control systems and to make checks on the users. On demand, the users must show their library card to the Library personnel or accept to let them check their bags, rucksacks and folders.
(3) If the control measures and the personnel's instructions are opposed and admonitions by the director are not regarded the director can issue a temporary suspension of using privileges.
(4) In grave cases, for example when objects have been damaged willingly the Administrative Council can issue an unlimited suspension of borrowing and using privileges.
B Use in the Library premises
Art. 6 Conduct in the Library premises and the coatroom
(1) In the Library premises any conduct disrupting its use or disturbing other users must be avoided.
(2) It is forbidden to take objects to the Library that can be a danger for other persons, for the furniture and equipment or the collection or objects that can hinder the Library's well functioning. It is forbidden to bring animals to the Library premises.
(3) Coats and other similar pieces of clothing, bags, rucksacks, umbrellas and other big objects cannot be taken to the reading room. They have to be stored in the lockers. The lockers are to be used exclusively during the opening hours of the Library. If a locker key gets lost or if the locker must be opened and cleared by the Library, the user has to defray the costs for changing the lock.
(4) It is forbidden to use mobile phones, to smoke and to eat or drink in the reading room and in the reading court.
Art. 7 Use of the workstations
(1) Generally, the reading places and IT workstations are at the disposal of all Library users equally. It is not allowed to the users to reserve working places. The Library can however reserve working places for internal events if necessary.
(2) The working places must be cleared daily after having them used.
(3) The Library allows the use of laptops or other equipment if it does not disturb the other users.
(4) Furthermore, the users have at their disposal IT workstations and internet access points in a limited number. Some of these are connected with peripheral devices like scanners or printers. In principle it is not allowed to make changes in the configuration of the IT workstations or the network, to fix technical failures on your own or to install programs, brought on a portable data storage device or taken from the internet, on the IT workstations.
(5) The users commit themselves to respect the legal regulations of the Penal law and the Youth protection law and to neither use nor diffuse unlawful information at the IT workstations and to not manipulate any data or programs of the Library or third parties.
(6) The users have the opportunity to access the internet at the IT workstations equipped for this purpose or via W-LAN at their own laptop. In the latter case, users will be charged a fee established in the Fees Regulation. According to the current legal situation the Library has the duty to store the users' internet activity and if necessary give the investigative authorities access to it. By registering, the user declares his consent. Minors can use the internet only with a parent's written permit and if the parent takes over responsibility.
Art. 8 Support and information services
(1) The users can dispose of the Library's support and information services and information material especially catalogues, bibliographies, books of reference, databases and online services including the equipment necessary for this purpose.
(2) The Library supports the user, as far as possible, when searching information and doing bibliographical searches.
Art. 9 Additional services
(1) The users can deploy the photocopying machines and printers at their disposal or their own digital cameras to produce photocopies for study and research purposes. In this case, legal copyright provisions are to be respected. The users have to defray the costs for their photocopies. The costs are listed in the Fees Regulation.
(2) Reproductions of older or valuable books or books that need to be preserved can only be made by the Library personnel or with its permission. In these cases the Library decides on the way of reproduction (photocopy, reproduction, microform etc.) and reserves the right to limit or deny it.
(3) For reproductions for commercial purposes (e.g. Reprints, Facsimile reproductions, postcards) or reproductions on big scale a special agreement, stating the consideration, is necessary. This also applies for the borrowing of works for expositions or their use for TV and film recordings.
(4) Outreach work in any form is part of the Library's additional services. For visits to the Library, expositions and other events the regulations defined by the Library are valid.
(5) In the vestibule at the Library's entry the users have at their disposal two beverage vending machines offering hot and cold drinks and sweet and salty snacks.
C Use outside the Library premises
Art. 10 General borrowing regulations
(1) The Library's media can be borrowed to be used outside the Library. An exception to this rule are:
A) works that absolutely must be available in the Library premises so that the Library can facilitate research activities and grant the Library's functioning and administration. These are especially bibliographical works or other reference books
B) newspapers and magazines
C) works published before 1910
D) other valuable or not easily replaceable works
E) other works that need special protection, e.g. loose-leaf editions
F) works that are part of the Teßmann collection belonging to the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna are subject to the regulations of the deposit contract of 27 July 1983.
(2) It is not allowed to borrow in somebody else's name or to pass on borrowed works. The library card owner is liable for the abusive use of his library card.
(3) The normal borrowing limit is 20 volumes.
(4) Each item the user wants to borrow must be issued at the circulation desk. If the user receives a damaged item, he has to point the fact out to the personnel so that when returning it he can prove he did not cause the damage.
Art. 11 Loan periods and reservations
(1) For monographs the loan period is normally one month.
(2) The loan period can be extended two times at maximum for one month each time if the item has not been reserved by another user. The loan period must be extended on time, before it expires, by the user in his online User account or with the aid of the Library personnel.
(3) All users who have communicated their e-mail address receive a message reminding them of their due items before they expire. No liability is granted for the transmission of the e-mail.
(4) The Library has the right to establish shorter loan periods in single cases if this is necessary for teaching and research activities or the functioning of the Library. For the same reasons, items on loan can also be asked back before the loan period expires.
(5) Items on loan can be reserved for borrowing. The user will be informed as soon as the concerned item is available.
(6) In justified cases, the director can make exceptions to Art. 10 and Art. 11 but not in connection with the Teßmann collection belonging to the Austrian Academy of Sciences.
Art. 12 Returning Library materials
(1) The regulations concerning the reservation of works on loan are valid for works owned by the Library and for works borrowed via Inter-Library Loan.
(2) Borrowed items have to be returned spontaneously at the latest the day the loan period expires.
(3) If the user does not return the borrowed items the Library sends out a written overdue notice asking the return of the concerned items and stating the overdue fee. If the reminder is ignored the Library will send out further notices. The Library has the right but not the duty to remind the user in writing to return due items.
(4) The periods of time after which an overdue notice or reminder is sent out, the amount of the overdue fees and the following temporary suspension of borrowing privileges are stated in the Library's Fees Regulation. Overdue fees are due starting from the first day after the due day.
(5) If items are not returned on time the director can issue a temporary suspension of borrowing privileges. In serious cases the Administrative Council can issue an unlimited suspension of borrowing privileges.
(6) The legal relationship underlying the act of borrowing is a loan deal on which – without prejudice to the provisions of these Library Regulations – the provisions of the Italian Civil Code (Codice civile) are to be applied. To enforce its right to get back items given on loan or to recover the due debts the Library can take civil action.
Art. 13 Inter-Library Loan
(1) Works that are available neither in the Dr. Friedrich Teßmann Library nor in other public libraries in Bozen can be requested via Inter-Library Loan. For the procurement the Library makes use of the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system if there are conventions in place. The general basis for the Inter-Library Loan system are the principles and directives recommended by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). For national Inter-Library Loans the provisions of the Presidential Decree No. 1501 of 5 September 1967 apply. The arising charges are to be taken from the Fees Regulation.
(2) As a basic principle, only scientific works for study and research purposes are requested via Inter-Library Loan. Fiction, except for scientific purposes, is excluded.
(3) Essays, short printed works or compositions, newspaper articles and limited parts of books will be photocopied if permitted.
(4) The Library has the right to borrow works from its own stock to foreign libraries via the regional, national and international Inter-Library Loan system.
D Final provisions
Art. 14 Exclusion of liability
(1) The Library is not liable for the consequences of contraventions of the copyright law by users working at the IT workstations or for the consequences of contraventions of contractual duties between users and internet providers.
(2) The Library is not liable for damages caused to a user through erroneous contents in the media he consulted, for damages caused to a user through using the IT workstations and the media, files or data storage devices offered at the workstations or for damages caused to the user by the misuse of data by third parties occurring due to insufficient data protection in the internet.
Art. 15 Disclaimer of warranty
(1) The Library excludes warranties concerning the functionality of the hard and software it puts at disposal and the availability of information and media accessible at the workstations.
Art. 16 Entry into force
(1) These Library Regulations enter into force on 1 January 2010.